Abberley Parish Meeting Wednesday 18th May at 7pm – Chair’s Report

Good evening and welcome to the Annual Parish Meeting for Abberley

The Covid years and all associated trauma are hopefully, at least for a great number of us, a thing of memory. However, they seem to have been replaced with an even bigger threat, due to the invasion of Ukraine, which many of us had mistakenly believed to be consigned to the annals of history. The Cold War and its ugly potential repercussions have reared their heads.  It is a truism that nothing in life can be taken for granted. The positive outcome thus far is the uniting of millions of people in support of freedom. And it allows us to view any difficulties we may face as a Parish with perspective and a sense of appreciation for what we do have.

We started the new Parish year still on Zoom but were able to resume normal face to face meetings in September. And we were able to welcome Sarah Outwin as the newest recruit to the Parish Council.

The last year has seen a flurry of Planning Applications which almost seemed to reflect a huge collective sigh of relief for the fact that normal activity could continue. The two largest, The Orchard site and the Land around the Village Hall are still to be determined.

Over the last year the Parish Council has been active in trying to promote an awareness of Zero Carbon, Dark Skies and Environmental Issues. To this end under the direction of Cllr Eberlin a Climate Change evening was held in April with very pleasing attendance. It is hoped that this will be the beginning of like – minded people in Abberley developing, at the least, a forum where ideas will be discussed and hopefully action will result.

At the suggestion of Cllr Eberlin Natural Networks made an assessment of how to improve the biodiversity of those sites mentioned in our Neighbourhood Plan. This was then circulated to the various entities responsible for those sites to see whether they would like to make use of any funding available. It should be noted that much of what has been done and is being done already shows great awareness of the proper guardianship of the land.

Underpinning these actions are two new policies devised by the Parish Council which relate to Zero Carbon and Dark Skies. They also form part of the NDP.

We are blessed with numerous walks in some of the most glorious countryside in England and the new Geopark signs, to which cost the Parish Council made a contribution, are now installed and will inform any walkers and interested parties about the fascinating geology of the area.

Other purchases include a new noticeboard, long overdue and a second defibrillator which is now located on the carpark wall at The Manor Arms whom we must thank for allowing us to use that space. Grateful thanks also go to Cllr David Chambers for funding this with a contribution from Cllr Paul Cumming as well.

We have also adopted the telephone box as a piece of historical street furniture.

Parking and speeding remain a constant source of concern with several visits to Abberley by Highways and our County Councillor to see where improvements can be made. We were unable to institute a 20mph zone outside the school but there have been improvements to the flashing lights indicating a school presence.

 To stave off the horrendous problems of the last few years yellow conservation lines have been drawn along the Shaver’s End Road. It was done with reluctance but out of necessity in conjunction with Astley and Dunley Parish Council. The aim is to allow fines to be issued by traffic enforcement who will visit the site on an ad hoc basis. The idea is that once this has filtered through there will be less inclination for people to flock to the quarry. Initial reports suggest that this action is having an effect but the summer will be the real test.

And last but not least we are now the proud possessors of an adopted Neighbourhood Plan. I’m sure Councillors will agree it was a marathon but we made it in the end. The referendum on June 24th 2021 had a very good turnout with 89% of voters in favour.

 Malvern District Hills directs other Parish Councils to our plan as an example of what a sound, easily accessible plan should look like and I have had requests from other Parishes for advice on how to go about creating one. I tell them to take a deep breath and don’t give up.

Thanks must go now to all those individuals and groups who contribute so much to life in Abberley the Garden Club, the Village Hall, The Village Green Trust, the WI, the Churches Restoration Committee, the Parochial Church Council, the Young Farmers, Nora Parsons, Abberley Care Farm and all the various groups and societies which enrich our daily lives.

Thank you to all those who have reported to the Parish Council and to Mr Joel Turvey and Mr Jonnie Besley, respective headmasters of Abberley Parochial Primary School and Abberley Hall Prep.

A big thank you must go to Cllr David Chambers, our County Councillor, who has shown himself to be an attentive listener and someone who is more than willing to address the issues we raise and is proactive with sensible suggestions.

Cllr Paul Cumming works tirelessly on our behalf, particularly so this year, with all the trials and  tribulations as a result of the two current developments. It is not always appreciated that a lot of work goes on behind the scenes in order to get a result and Cllr Cumming is unfailingly resolute in trying to produce desired outcomes.

As Chair I value highly the good sense, knowledge and support provided by Councillors and so say thank you to them for their proactivity and willingness to tackle various issues and their continued resolve to do their best for all Parishioners.

Final thanks must go to Mrs Carole Hirst, our Parish Clerk, whose good offices and dedication to detail make sure that we all stay on the straight and narrow. As has been suggested elsewhere the hours designated as part of the job do not in any way reflect the actual hours spent in ensuring all is well.

To conclude on a joyful note we have planned a Celebration Picnic on the Village Green for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on 5th June and hope very much that people will take the opportunity to get to know each other a little better.

Catherine Knight


Working with local communities to build a safer West Mercia – Survey

John Campion West Mercia PCC

Working with local communities to build a safer West Mercia

In order to ensure the voice of the public is at the heart of policing, I am encouraging you to share your views in my latest survey.

As part of my ongoing commitment to take feedback from communities and use it to shape decision making, I am seeking views well in advance of setting next year’s budget. This survey will seek to understand what your concerns are and whether or not you are happy with how visible and accessible West Mercia Police are.

The survey is open until Monday 11th July and you can complete it by visiting

Climate Change Evening – Next Steps

Climate Change Evening – Next Steps

Thank you to all those who attended our climate change evening. It was great to have so much interest in progressing climate change improvements in our parish and also to hear views on what is on people’s minds.

At the session we focussed on some of the practical points about how best to reduce heat loss from our homes (start with your loft) whilst keeping the house adequately ventilated. We also looked at how much carbon we can save from changing over our oil boilers to heat pumps, installing Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels and Electric Vehicle savings. Some shared their experiences and could offer useful advice to others. (The Parish Council can’t recommend installers). Energy costs are rising and will rise again and it is clear that any improvements you make to your home will save on your energy bills. The IPCC are telling us to halve our emissions by 2030.

Feedback: Some people needed help deciding what to do next in their homes. Some commented on the need to have further support as to how to do this which we can investigate. Some were interested in having a group that could improve sustainability, reduce waste, reduce travel impact through lift sharing, support biodiversity projects etc. Please let us know if you’d like to be part of such a group.

Funding: It is possible to access funds through the latest initiative where Worcestershire Council and Malvern Hills have funds under a crowdfunding scheme, capped at up to £20k per project to contribute funds to sustainability projects that that are supported by communities. This could be, for example, a project to improve the sustainability of the village hall or biodiversity in our community. It might be possible to apply for funding to engage independent support for providing free or low cost professional advice to residents, or to support a community led PV scheme to generate green electricity for community services.

Please look at the following links and let us know what ideas you would like to progress for our community. If there is enough support, those who are interested can form a group and we can kickstart your idea. There are various funds but projects must have a clear goal and broad community benefit and can include restoration, new facilities, biodiversity, community events.

Please note the government’s new scheme Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) for supporting renewable technology is going live now, worth £5,000 for air source heat pumps or biomass boilers, or £6,000 for ground source heat pumps subject to your house having cavity wall insulation if applicable and enough loft insulation.

Remember if your home is suitable for PV panels or other renewables then currently there is a VAT exemption making the technology cheaper. If you are not ready to take this step start by taking advantage of the zero VAT on insulation.

Please contact us with your ideas and what you’d like to see happening next. Please provide your email address if you’re interested in being involved in a climate group in the parish. Replay to


Delay to the South Worcestershire Development Plan Publication

The updated South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) will not be published for consultation in July as scheduled, because work on the key documents relating to development sites and the infrastructure needed to support them is yet to be completed.

More time is required to finalise the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which is a crucial evidence document setting out how strategic infrastructure, such as roads and new schools, will be delivered to support proposals in the SWDP for the additional 14,000 new dwellings that we are required to deliver across Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District by 2041.

The Regulation 19 publication draft of the SWDP was scheduled for public consultation in July, with the Submission version timetabled for independent examination later this year.

The impact of the latest delay to the SWDP is still being assessed and a new timetable will be drawn up for elected councillors to consider.

Cllr, Aaron Powell, Chair of the SWDP Joint Advisory Panel, said: “We know that infrastructure and how it will be delivered is one of the key concerns of our residents. We are disappointed by this latest delay to the review of the SWDP but the Infrastructure Delivery Plan is a critical piece of evidence, to demonstrate the proposed strategic housing sites are viable. It is therefore better that we take the time now to make sure we are getting it right as we look to deliver a Plan that will have a profound impact on South Worcestershire over the coming years.

“We will identify the next steps in the review process and a timetable for them as soon as we can.”

ALERT-Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT Land next to the Village Hall


Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT Land next to the Village Hall

 Abberley Parish Council wish to alert you to the latest planning application to develop yet another housing estate in Abberley. If allowed it will be the fourth site. As the Parish Council we will be objecting in the strongest possible terms and would ask that you write in to Malvern supporting us in this matter.  We have already objected to this site being included as a possible development site in the SWDPR (South Worcestershire Development Plan Review) and, indeed, would have done so again in the final consultations.


We do, however, have the Abberley Neighbourhood Development Plan (ANDP) which, as the latest made plan, carries a great deal of weight. Please read through so that you can evidence any objections you might make. Please let us know if we can help in any way.


We have asked for an extension of the consultation period to allow us to discuss the matter at the next Parish Council Meeting on 20th April. This would be the last opportunity for you to let us know of any objections we might not have already covered. Therefore the closing date for submissions is now 22nd April 2022.


You will find the Planning Application M/22/00321/OUT on the Malvern Hills Planning Portal. The ANDP can be found on both the Parish Website and the Malvern Hills website. There is also a hard copy at the Village Stores. This must be signed for with contact details.


Malvern Hills District Council – Proposed Boundary changes – Have your say

Malvern Hills District Council are in the process of redrawing the boundary lines of their wards.

Abberley Parish Council rejects the current proposal for the reasons outlined in the attached submission which also contains an alternative option.

We would be very grateful if you would take the time to look over and, if you are able, to make a comment supporting our stance;

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Abberley Parish Council response to Ward Boundary Submission

please would you do so by 21st March.

The website link is below (click on the green “have your say” button to comment )

To make comments please follow this link:


Please forward this email to anyone you think will be interested.

 Thank You.

Abberley Parish Council

Worcestershire County Council- List of agencies providing support for Ukraine – Donating Financially

List of agencies providing support for Ukraine

Donating Financially

  • Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) launched a Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal to raise funds for food, water, medicine, protection and trauma care for people fleeing the war. Every pound donated by the UK public to the DEC will be matched by the government, up to the value of £20m.
  • The UN Refugee Agency – distributing essential relief items, including blankets, sleeping bags and hygiene items and delivering essential aid
  • The British Red Cross – providing accommodation, food, water and other aid items to refugees.
  • Care International is providing emergency relief through its partner, People in Need – this non-governmental, non-profit organisation has been sending trucks of durable food, hygiene items, nappies, sleeping bags, mats, and other goods into Lviv in western Ukraine to distribute to people locally.
  • Save the Children – Distributing essential supplies and winter kits of clothing and blankets as temperatures plunge below freezing
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross is working closely with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society to provide emergency assistance and support local hospitals and primary healthcare facilities with medical equipment.
  • Unicef – It estimates there are up to 7.5 million children in need of support and says a £46 donation will provide a family with an emergency water and hygiene kit.
  • Médecins Sans Frontières are responding to medical and humanitarian needs as the conflict evolves, providing training in emergency medicine and surgical preparedness to hospitals, as well as mass casualty kits with supplies for treating traumatic injuries.
  • World Jewish Relief – the charity is supporting refugees with food, water, personal protective equipment and accommodation.
  • Cafod – providing beds, food, washing facilities and safe spaces for children.
  • The World Health Organization is raising funds for its frontline response and to deliver life-saving medicines and supplies to people across Ukraine and to refugees.

Donating Supplies

  • Goods For Good UK are providing a rapid response Ukraine crisis and are supplying relief aid to Ukrainian welfare centres which include bedding, clothing, hygiene essential toiletries.


West Mercia Police – Economic Crime unit – March Fraud and Scam Bulletin – March 22


The Fraud & Scam Bulletin

March 2022

Your monthly update direct from West Mercia Police on the latest scams and frauds
Welcome to March Bulletin aimed at raising awareness to  current Fraud and Scams

Please circulate to your members and contacts, as well as using it for your own information.


This month we are promoting an initiative from Take Five to encourage families to sit and discuss  various types of Fraud with potentially vulnerable relatives and friends, and raise awareness.


The aim of Take Five over Tea is to encourage families to sit down with parents/grandparents and anyone else they think may be vulnerable to financial fraud whether in their own home, or online, and then discuss the advice provided.


Fraud and Scams have a devastating impact on all those who fall for them, and this is a summarised format of the Take Five toolkit to help families set up their own discussions.



We all think we are savvy when it comes to fraud and scams, but the truth is any one of us can fall for one, especially in the heat of the moment. Criminals are increasingly becoming more sophisticated, using many tactics to gain our trust and make it harder for us to spot the obvious signs of a scam as easily.

By taking the time to talk to your loved ones, including those who are not online, they have a much better chance of spotting a scam, and more importantly, preventing themselves from falling for one.


As technology becomes more sophisticated, so do the techniques used by criminals. They now use a wide variety of methods to trick people, the most frequent are listed below:


Criminals are experts at impersonating trusted organisations, including banks, the police, and government departments such as HMRC and DVLC, to convince you to make a payment or share your personal and financial details.

  • They often use alarmist language and time-pressure to convince you to take immediate action,
  •  They may already have some of your details, which they use to add a layer of authenticity to their scam.
  • If you receive an urgent request for your money or personal information
  •      STOP: take a moment to pause and think.



There are numerous paid adverts or comparison sites claiming to be legitimate firms offering guaranteed returns with minimal risk. You may be asked to complete a “Contact Form” with your personal details for a Call-Back.

The use of genuine company logos, celebrity endorsements and testimonials may often be fake.



It can be easy to fall for a purchase scam. Criminals advertise goods/services at “too good to be true” prices often via social media or auction sites to trick people into purchasing something that does not exist. They often use images taken from genuine sellers to convince you they are the real deal. They may also ask for payment prior to delivery and send fake receipts and invoices that seem to be from the payment provider.



The ease of online dating services often means you can find the love of your life in the comfort of your own home. However, this also provides criminals with an opportunity to gain your trust and build a relationship with you by using information and fake identities found on social media – also known as catfishing. Criminals will claim to declare strong feelings for you just after a few conversations before pretending to need money for a personal emergency or flights to visit you.



If you’re contacted by someone purporting to be from your bank or the police, take a moment to question their authenticity. If the caller is from the bank, they may claim that their system has spotted a fraudulent payment on your card or that it is due to expire and needs to be replaced.    They may even confirm personal details about you, such as your full name and address and offer you peace of mind by having someone such as a courier collect your card to save you from having to go to your bank or local police station. You may even be asked to write down your PIN and place it in a separate envelope to that of your card.



Doorstep criminals can come in all sorts of disguises, from dodgy salesmen to unscrupulous tradespeople and, can be very convincing. They may claim to have noticed something about your property that needs work or improvement, such as the roof, and offer to fix it for an inflated price with payment required upfront. Some criminals may even convince you to visit your bank branch to withdraw money whilst they set up their equipment



If you receive a request to provide personal or financial information whether that’s over the phone, in an email, online or through social media always remember:

Criminals are experts at impersonating people, organisations and the police. They spend hours researching you for their scams, hoping you’ll let your guard down for just a moment.

Stop and think – It could protect you and your money.

STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud


  • Avoid disclosing security details
  • Emails, Phone Calls and Texts may not be authentic
  • Always make direct contact with any organisation by using a genuine phone number
  • Stop and Challenge any unexpected requests
  • Protect others by reporting Fraud and Scams

If you’ve fallen for a scam, report it to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via

Scam Text messages can be forwarded to 7726 to help phone providers take early action and block numbers that generate spam on their networks.

Forward Fake Emails received to .


A full PDF leaflet can be downloaded from Take Five at:

Take-Five-Over-Tea-Loved-Ones_2021_FINAL.pdf (


Always remember:


  • STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.
  • CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.
  • PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.


For further information visit:


Fundraising for Ukraine


Mr and Mrs R Nott have, very kindly, offered their home, Field Farm, Abberley, WR6 6AZ to any Abberley resident wishing to hold a fundraising activity such as a coffee morning, for example, in support of the Ukranian people in their hour of need.

All monies raised will be donated via the Parish Council to the Disasters Emergency Committee Fund recently established by the UK government who have pledged all donations to be matched pound for pound.

If you are interested in making use of this venue please contact the Parish Clerk for further details See below;

West Mercia Police – Fraud & Scam Bulletin – January 2022

The Fraud & Scam Bulletin – January 2022

Your monthly update direct from West Mercia Police on the latest scams and frauds


Welcome to the first monthly Bulletin  highlighting current fraud trends in our area.

Please circulate to your members and contacts, as well as using it for your own information.

This month we are focusing on two types of Fraud about which we have had multiple reports from the public in recent weeks and how you can keep safe.

Romance fraud – What is it?

You are convinced to make a payment to a person  you may have met through social media platforms, dating websites and Apps, or Gaming sites.

  • Fake profiles are used by criminals in an attempt to build a relationship with you – this is often known as “Catfishing”.
  • Criminals  use information found on social media to create fake identities to target you with the scam, often looking for profiles saying you are single, widowed or divorced
  • They will go to great lengths to gain your trust and convince you that you have found a genuine relationship before appealing to your compassionate side to ask for money
  • Criminals use language to manipulate, persuade and exploit so that requests for money do not raise any alarm bells
  • These requests might be highly emotive, such as criminals claiming they need money for emergency medical care, or to pay for transport costs to visit you from overseas

What to do:

·      If you are speaking to someone online that you have not met in person, stop and think. It could protect your heart and your money

·      Never give your bank details to someone online that you have never met, and if you are in any doubt about the person’s honesty, speak to a friend or family member. If they have tried to take money from you, report it to  Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or via the website


A rising number of similar Frauds using WhatsApp have been seen in recent weeks in our area which residents need to be aware of.

  • The suspect will send the victim a message via WhatsApp claiming to be their son/daughter/friend and that they have had to change their phone number
  • The suspect then asks for money for debt repayment / to buy a new phone/asking to pay outstanding bills
  • The victim then ends up sending money to the fraudster believing this is going to an actual relative or friend
  • This type of Scam is becoming more frequent

Always remember:

  • STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.
  • CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.
  • PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.

For further information visit: