Have your say on sites for Travellers and Travelling Show People in South Worcestershire
/in News /by Carole HirstHave your say on sites for Travellers and Travelling Show People in South Worcestershire
The South Worcestershire Councils are inviting comments on the provision of sites for Travellers and Travelling Showpeople.
Worcester City, Malvern Hills District and Wychavon District Councils have prepared a Development Plan Document which includes information on the accommodation needs of Travellers and Travelling Showpeople across South Worcestershire.
The document includes policies which seek to ensure that future Traveller sites are appropriately located and designed.
The document proposes additional Traveller pitches on two existing Traveller sites at Newlands, Malvern and Charlton, Pershore and two existing sites at Aldington and Evesham are also allocated in case the latest planning permissions lapse.
To help meet the medium to longer term needs of Travellers or Travelling Showpeople, new sites are also proposed on the new and expanded settlements at Worcestershire Parkway, Throckmorton and Rushwick, together with a site on each of the urban extensions at Worcester South and Worcester West.
The six-week public consultation runs from 1 November until Tuesday 13 December 2022 at 11.59pm. The public and other interested parties are being asked to comment on whether they believe the Development Plan Document is sound and legally compliant.
For the Development Plan Document to be considered sound it must show that it will meet the identified need for Traveller sites, is based on robust evidence, is deliverable and is consistent with national planning policies. To be legally compliant, the document must have followed all necessary legal and procedural requirements.
The Development Plan Document has been informed by earlier public consultations held in 2016, 2018 and 2021. This is the last public consultation on the document before it is submitted to the Government’s Planning Inspectorate for independent Examination in 2023.
Cllr David Harrison, Chairman of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Joint Advisory Panel, said: “Providing sufficient appropriately located and designed sites for Travellers and Travelling Showpeople is vitally important, so I would urge people to make their voices heard on this essential issue.”
While all comments submitted during the consultation will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration during the next stage of the document, the Government’s Planning Inspector is only likely to consider comments that relate to the soundness and legal compliance of the document.
People can comment by visiting https://www.swdevelopmentplan.org/consultations/south-worcestershire-traveller-and-travelling-showpeople-policy from Tuesday 1 November and downloading and filling in the comment form, by email or by post. Paper copies will also be available from Customer Contact Centres, local libraries and some parish and town council offices.
The Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Policy and Site Allocations DPD is part of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Review (SWDPR) process. The SWDPR, jointly prepared by the three South Worcestershire Councils – Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon – covers the period to 2041. The SWDPR addresses overall housing and employment requirements and includes detailed policies to determine planning applications.
The three South Worcestershire Councils have a responsibility to plan for the housing needs of all residents, including the Traveller and Travelling Showpeople community under the Housing and Planning Act 2016.
The Government’s national Planning Policy for Traveller Sites requires the South Worcestershire Councils to identify a supply of deliverable Traveller sites to provide 5 years’ worth of sites against locally set targets, and sufficient developable sites for up to 15 years.
The South Worcestershire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA, 2019) identified a need for 104 Traveller pitches in the period to 2041. Between March 2019 and August 2022, 49 Traveller pitches were granted planning permission across South Worcestershire, leaving an outstanding requirement for 55 pitches in the period to 2041. Additionally, the GTAA identified a need for 10 Travelling Showpeople plots in the period to 2041. 2 Showpeople plots have been granted planning consent since March 2019.
The Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Policy and Site Allocations DPD makes provision for up to 56 Traveller pitches (4 at Newlands, 2 at Charlton, 20 at Worcestershire Parkway, 10 at Throckmorton, up to 10 at Worcester South and up to 10 at Worcester West) and 10 Travelling Showpeople plots at Rushwick.
As part of the development of the Development Plan Document, the South Worcestershire Councils undertook three “calls for sites” – in 2015, 2016 and 2020 – to provide an opportunity for individuals and organisations to suggest sites that they considered might be suitable for allocation as a Traveller or Travelling Showpeople site. 46 sites were submitted for consideration, but not all were considered suitable.
In addition to proposing specific site allocations to meet the identified needs of Travellers and Travelling Showpeople, the Development Plan Document also includes draft policies to ensure that development proposals for Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites are appropriately located and designed.
After the public consultation all responses will be reviewed and submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. An independent Inspector will then be appointed to carry out the Examination stage of the process. This involves scrutinising the Development Plan Document to make sure that it is sound and legal. A series of public hearings may also be held where people will have the chance to make representations.
After the Examination stage is complete, the Planning Inspector may decide to ask for changes to be made to the Development Plan Document. Once this is completed the Development Plan Document can be formally adopted by each of the South Worcestershire Councils. This is expected to take place in late 2023.
Full details of the Plan are available at https://www.swdevelopmentplan.org/consultations/south-worcestershire-traveller-and-travelling-showpeople-policy
For the purposes of planning policy ‘Travellers’ means Persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons who on grounds only of their own or their family’s or dependants’ educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excluding members of an organised group of Travelling Showpeople or circus people travelling together as such.
For the purposes of planning policy, ‘Travelling Showpeople’ means Members of a group organised for the purposes of holding fairs, circuses or shows (whether or not travelling together as such). This includes such persons who on the grounds of their own or their family’s or dependents’ more localised pattern of trading, educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily, but excludes Travellers as defined above.
For the purposes of planning policy, ‘pitch’ means a pitch on a ‘gypsy and Traveller’ site and ‘plot’ means a pitch on a ‘Travelling Showpeople’ site (often called a ‘yard’). This terminology differentiates between residential pitches for ‘gypsies and travellers’ and mixed-use plots for ‘Travelling Showpeople’, which may need to incorporate space to allow for the storage of equipment.
Consultation starts on SWDP Review
/in News /by Carole HirstConsultation starts on SWDP Review
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD SWDPR Notification Reg 19 covering letter
A six-week public consultation has started on a key planning document that will shape the future development of South Worcestershire.
The revised South Worcestershire Development plan allocates land for 13,240 additional new homes and 290.7 hectares of employment land to be delivered by 2041. This will help meet the Government requirement to allocate land to build 26,360 new homes and 350.5 hectares of employment land across South Worcestershire from 2021 to 2041. Not all sites in the Plan are new, with some being carried over from the last version of the SWDP and sites that already have planning permission being taken into account.
The majority of the new housing will be met through strategic growth sites at Worcestershire Parkway, Throckmorton, Rushwick and Mitton.
The public are being asked to comment on whether they consider the review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan is sound and legally compliant. To be considered sound the Plan must have been positively prepared, based on robust, credible evidence, show a clear deliverable vision and be consistent with national planning policies.
On top of this the three South Worcestershire Councils – Worcester City, Malvern Hills District and Wychavon District Councils – must also show they have complied with planning legislation including the legal duty to help neighbouring councils meet their strategic housing needs.
Comments can be made from Tuesday 1 November until 11.59pm on Tuesday 13 December 2022. Only comments made during the consultation can be considered.
People can comment by filling in the online comment form available on our website at www.swdevelopmentplan.org/review. Paper copies are also available from Customer Contact Centres, local libraries and some parish and town council offices.
A series of public information events are being held to help describe the proposed growth at each of the strategic sites and give people the chance to ask questions.
These will be held on the following dates:
- Rushwick expanded settlement – Thursday 3 November 1200-2000 at Rushwick Village Hall, Bransford Road, Rushwick, WR2 5TA
- Worcestershire Parkway new settlement – Wednesday 9 November 1200-2000 at Norton Parish Hall, Wadborough Road, Littleworth, WR5 2QB
- Mitton – Friday 11 November 1300-2000 at Bredon Village Hall, Main Road, Bredon, GL20 7QN
- Throckmorton new settlement – Monday 14 November 1300-2000 at Bishampton Village Hall, Broad Lane, Bishampton, WR10 2LU
After the consultation all comments will be passed on to the Planning Inspectorate. The Plan will then go for Examination where it will be scrutinised in detail to make sure it is sound and legal. A series of public hearings may also be held where people will have the chance to make representations and ask questions providing that they have responded to this consultation.
It is expected the plan will be formally adopted by the South Worcestershire Councils in late 2023.
Cllr David Harrison, Chairman of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Joint Advisory Panel, said: “At this stage we are seeking views on whether people feel the Plan meets the test of soundness and is legally compliant. We cannot make changes to the Plan at this time; however, all comments will be passed to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration. There is a lot of information available through the SWDP website and in local libraries to help people understand what is being proposed and how to comment. I urge people to get involved with the consultation and to make their views known.”
The current South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) covers the period 2006 to 2030 and is based on extensive evidence and previous consultations. It has been jointly prepared by the three partner councils – Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Wychavon.
The Review will extend the period the plan covers from 2030 up to 2041.
The SWDP Review includes policies for dealing with four broad areas:
- Creating jobs and economic prosperity
- Meeting housing needs
- Transportation
- The environment.
Most of the new housing will be provided through new settlements, known as strategic sites. These will be located close to existing or new railway links. Clear layout (concept) plans have been prepared for each area. Providing new greenspaces will also be a key part of the Plan. A range of house types will be provided to meet the future requirements of our area’s population. Consideration has been given for people of different age groups and with health needs.
Development will be completed in phases over time and developers will be asked for payments known as “developer contributions” to support, and where necessary, deliver local infrastructure.
The strategic sites are as follows:
- Worcestershire Parkway – Up to 2041, 5,000 new homes will be built at this location with up to 40% affordable housing and 50 hectares of employment land to build a new settlement based on garden community principles. Another 5,000 homes are planned after 2041. The settlement will be carbon neutral with renewable energy providing the development’s energy needs. The focus will be on making sure residents’ needs are met near to where they live including a new town centre, schools, local neighbourhood centres and community facilities. Together with investment in walking and cycling infrastructure, it will promote sustainability and reduce dependency on the car.
- Throckmorton – A carbon neutral settlement of 2,000 homes with 40% affordable housing and 20 hectares of employment land will be created by 2041. In the second phase after 2041, another 3,000 new homes are planned, as well as 40 hectares of employment land. Again, the focus will be on delivering sustainability with a town centre, schools and community facilities forming part of the proposals. New infrastructure will include direct walking and cycling links to Pershore Railway Station to reduce the need to travel by car.
- Rushwick – 1,000 new homes are planned as well as 5 hectares of employment land, a new railway station, primary school, retail and other supporting services including a new or improved village hall, community park, allotments and orchards. Up to 40% of the housing will be affordable and no development will be allowed before land necessary to enable the railway station to be built and other critical infrastructure has been secured.
- Mitton – Land near Mitton close to Bredon and next to Tewkesbury town, has also been identified to provide 1,000 new homes, 500 of which will be to meet neighbouring Tewkesbury Borough Council’s housing need. This agreement is part of the legal Duty to Cooperate which requires councils to support each other’s strategic planning needs. A new primary school, community facilities and walking and cycling links are included in the proposal.
Smaller sites have also been identified for new housing in each area during the plan period. In Worcester City 866 new homes are planned, 594 in Malvern, 10 in Tenbury and 376 in rural villages across the Malvern Hills District. In Wychavon 916 new homes have been allocated to Droitwich Spa, 255 in Evesham, 212 in Pershore and 1,069 in rural villages across the district.
As well as housing, the new Plan provides 290.7 hectares of new employment land to support business growth, renewed protections to prevent development on the Green Belt and around 179 hectares of new recreational open green space for people to enjoy.
There are also new and enhanced policies supporting each councils’ efforts to protect the environment and tackle climate change. Measures within these policies include:
- Developments must be designed to minimise car use
- Developers must provide the infrastructure for charging electric vehicles in each new home
- Sustainable materials and construction techniques must be used
- At least 20% of predicted energy use by a development must come from renewable or low carbon energy sources
- Sites for new solar farms have been identified
- Sites for Informal Areas of Recreation (AIRs) have been identified
- Developments must provide measurable net gains in biodiversity
- Polices to protect valued landscapes and landscape character
- Policies to manage and mitigate against flood risk
- Policies to make the most effective use of land
Full details of the Plan are available at http://www.swdevelopmentplan.org/review
Defibrillator Demonstration
/in News /by Carole HirstAbberley Parish has two defibrillators.
One is at Abberley Village Hall and the other, a new device, is based at the Manor Arms Abberley.
Useful information on how to use these are available from this video.
Planning Application consultation from Malvern Hills District Council -M/22/01440/PIP- Land At (Os 7450 6726), Abberley, next to Apostles Oak Development– Application for permission in principle for the construction of up to 9no. dwellings
/in News /by Carole HirstA Planning Application has been received for consultation from Malvern Hills District Council -M/22/01440/PIP- Land At (Os 7450 6726), Abberley, next to Apostles Oak Development– The application is for permission in principle for the construction of up to 9no. dwellings.
Parishioners are asked to respond within 14days from the 24th October 2022 (7th November 2022).
Follow the link below to find out about this and make comments by the required date of 7th November 2022.
Please share this post with as many people and sources as possible.
Thank you.
Cllr. Catherine Knight
Chair of Abberley Parish Council
Energy Savings – reducing your winter energy bills.
/in News /by Carole HirstEnergy Savings – reducing your winter energy bills.
Energy prices have gone through the roof and despite the caps will still be unaffordable for many so here is a reminder of some of the things you can do to help reduce your bills and help the planet at the same time.
Heating costs: if you are running an LPG or oil boiler turn down the flow temperature behind the front panel. Ask your service technician if you need help to do this. This can save 7-8%.
Turn down you thermostat to 19oC or just heat specific rooms where you benefit most from the heating. Savings of 10% per degree turn down. Buy a better duvet? Use weather compensated controls to save even more so the boiler works at the right level for the outside temperature.
Simple measures to cut your heating bills include:
- Fitting heavier or thermally backed curtains on the big windows will help heat loss.
- Install more loft insulation– think about having 400mm of breathable style insulation to meet current building standards. Around 25% of heat goes through the roof.
- Taking a shorter shower- you might need to explain this to your children! Savings around £70/year for 5 showers/week. Or fit low flow devices.
- Reducing draughts will help but check how your house is designed to be ventilated first- trickle vents are there to provide background ventilation. If you have wood burners check the air intake is from outside and not from the room.
Simple measures to reduce the electricity bill include:
- Converting all your lights to LEDs. Households typically use 11% of energy on lights and LEDs use half the amount of energy. More expensive but hey last longer. Changing a dozen 40W bulbs would save £200/year after costs of £42 for the bulbs.
- Remember to turn lights off when you’re not in the room.
- Fit LED security lights with PIRs (proximity sensors) so they go off.
- Simply understanding how your energy varies with appliances by measuring it will help- ask for a smart meter from your energy supplier or fit a clamp device that displays your usage in the house. What is still on standby when you go to bed?
- Cooking uses a large proportion and microwaves, air fryers and slow cookers are all energy saving options compared with an electric cooker. A BBC article estimated by Sust-it suggest £1.02 to cook a baked potato for 90 minutes versus 5p in a microwave but if you’re cooking lots then savings will be less.
- Some simple behavioural changes are free: Pick a sunny day to do your washing- tumble driers use a lot.
- Wash programme at 30oC or cold for
- Buy A+ energy rated appliances when it’s time to replace fridges and freezers.
Medium term improvements could be upgrading your boiler to save 20% on an old inefficient boiler or even better to invest in a heat pump using the Boiler Upgrade Scheme £5,000 grant. This will reduce bills for households in our parish paying for oil or LPG fuel and cut your carbon footprint by at least 75%. Heat pumps are reliable and very efficient now. Upgrading will also mean that your hot water tank will be improved with factory fitted insulation. In the meantime wrap up your tank with a duvet or insulation blanket.
Next order some Photovoltaic (PV) Panels from an MCS certified supplier for your house- this will take some time but make sure you get 3 quotes. This will save you 4,000 kWh year if you use all the energy. You will use at least half of it saving around £2,000/year and can arrange to be paid for the export you don’t use. Look at some of the green energy suppliers like Octopus Energy. Divert spare PV energy to your hot water tank with an iboost or similar. Check your roof quality at the same time.
Lead times are longer at 4-6 months as installers are busy but if you act now you will be better prepared for next winter and maybe able to install quicker than you think.
Remember there are further savings to make as there is no VAT on insulation, PV panels or heat pumps at the moment for residential projects.
If we all cut our energy usage by 20% during peak times we are much less likely to experience black-outs!
If you need more help look at these websites:
Cathie Eberlin
On behalf of Abberley Parish Council.
Look at our climate change page www.abberleyparish.org.uk and check out the climate page under local information
We will organise another free energy information evening at the village hall in due course.
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England have opened an additional phase of public consultation in our review of Malvern Hills District’s electoral arrangements in respect of wards including Abberley.
/in News /by Carole HirstThe Local Government Boundary Commission for England have opened an additional phase of public consultation in our review of Malvern Hills District’s electoral arrangements in respect of wards including Abberley.
The consultation will close on 8 August 2022.
The consultation focuses on new proposals for council ward boundaries across the district.
They are not seeking further comment in respect of any other part of the district.
They previously held a public consultation on their draft recommendations for new ward boundaries across Malvern Hills. Local Government Boundary Commission for England listened to the views put to them during the consultation and propose to make changes to the plans to reflect the local evidence received.
Due to the significance of the proposed changes made, they are opening an extra phase of consultation, to see what you think of the new recommendations.
Further information in relation to these changes can be found by viewing their letter to the Chief Executive of Malvern Hills District Council, found below.
Click here to download letter to MHDC CEO
This period of consultation starts today, 28 June 2022, and closes on 8 August 2022.
During this period, they welcome comments and supporting evidence on their further draft recommendations for Malvern Hills.
They will publish our final recommendations for the district on 16 September 2022.
Abberley Parish Council supports this latest proposal because The Boundaries Commission has taken into account the historical and natural close ties we have with our neighbouring parishes and as such our needs will continue to be ably represented.
Therefore we would ask parishioners to support this proposal using the links given.
Abberley Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Queencrows quiz and scoring sheet
/in News /by Carole HirstThe Queen’s Platinum Jubilee “Queencrows” Royal Scarecrow Trail has really grabbed the imagination of Abberley villagers with royals appearing around the village in coronation robes, in riding gear and taking tea. 33 entries were registered by the time the map and quiz were finished, but organisers expect a few late additions to the fun. Rosettes will be awarded at the Jubilee picnic on Sunday for both an official judging (taking place on Thursday) and a people’s choice. Pick up a copy of the quiz and score sheet with a location map at the village shop or Manor Arms pub or print off from the attachment. Post your entries by 5pm on Saturday 4th June at the Village Shop or by 2pm at the picnic on Sunday 5th.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Scarecrow trail map, quiz and score sheet