Planning Application consultation from Malvern Hills District Council -M/22/01440/PIP- Land At (Os 7450 6726), Abberley, next to Apostles Oak Development– Application for permission in principle for the construction of up to 9no. dwellings
A Planning Application has been received for consultation from Malvern Hills District Council -M/22/01440/PIP- Land At (Os 7450 6726), Abberley, next to Apostles Oak Development– The application is for permission in principle for the construction of up to 9no. dwellings.
Parishioners are asked to respond within 14days from the 24th October 2022 (7th November 2022).
Follow the link below to find out about this and make comments by the required date of 7th November 2022.
Please share this post with as many people and sources as possible.
Thank you.
Cllr. Catherine Knight
Chair of Abberley Parish Council