Apostle’s meadow Tree planting Update

Apostle’s meadow: Tree planting Update


New date of Saturday 1st February


The good news is that the 30 orchard trees are ready to lift at the end of January so we have a new day for you to come with your kids and get involved.

Bring a spade and a flask, probably your wellies as the field is very muddy.

Something to drink- maybe a hot flask? We will provide some cake.

The holes will be marked and prepared for us so not too much hard work! We do hope you will come and join in. The primary school are also invited to a separate day during school hours plant trees and join in with locations of bird/bat boxes.

You will see the hedgerow is nearly complete and will be woodchipped to keep the grasses down- although we may need some help looking after this. Thanks to planting team!

The three arched shrubby zones next to the houses on the west side are designed to provide shelter and some privacy both ways – the path that walkers are using will be left in place with plenty of space to cut the meadow as required.

You will notice some felling work in the last week of January on the trees deemed unsafe next to the path and also with advanced ash dieback. This will leave a space for new planting- so don’t panic when you see this hole appear. Logs will be left in tidy piles to rot down to replenish the woodland’s nutrients and the brash will be chipped so we can use this on the hedgerows or paths.

Look forward to seeing you there – just come for a bit if you’re busy and meet others – we are hoping for some new faces too from the new houses.

We will need help with ragwort/thistle pulling in the spring and maybe attending to overgrown sections affecting the hedge, so please come and support the development of the meadow. Over time it should become a lovely space.

We are grateful to the King’s Coronation Fund for the trees and the bird boxes are provided by the Natural Network Fund with a contribution from the parish council.

See you on the Saturday 1st February in the field, accessed by a track from Clows Top Road.

You’ll see everyone there.


Cathie Eberlin
