Worcestershire County Council internal gold meeting in respect of COVID 19- Issue 9- 6th April 2020

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Look after yourself whilst staying at home

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD hospital-discharge-patient-leaflet-editable-v3

Key Messages

Key Service Areas

Adult Services

  • Please see the attached Discharge from Hospital Leaflet.
  • To ensure we have appropriate levels of domiciliary care available for individuals on discharge from hospital we have secured appropriate hotel accommodation across the county to ensure individuals are safe and cared for following discharge from hospital. This will be free for the individual and once it is determined that they can return home a range of services will be available to provide support should it be needed.
  • Recruitment campaign ongoing with redeployed staff receiving training.
  • Approximately 150 new enquiries continue to be received daily through the here2help website, with a similar number of calls being taken over the phone through the Access Centre.

Children’s Services

  • Social Care capacity holding up, with additional shifts being worked and visits reduced to statutory minimum and carried out ‘virtually’ wherever possible.
  • Direct support provided to those leaving care who are living independently, especially around the Social Distancing message.
  • Calls for additional PPE remain.
  • Lower numbers of vulnerable children are attending school than expected but we are working hard to encourage attendance.
  • Government have confirmed they will provide additional funding to those pupils entitled to free school meals whilst at school during the Easter holidays.

Community Services

  • All Libraries and Museums remain closed
  • Registering of deaths is now taking place over the phone.
  • Trading Standards are actively raising awareness of potential scams
  • Support is being given through volunteers and through community groups to assist with pharmacy deliveries.
  • Food parcels continue to be distributed to the individuals within the Shielded Cohort / those in urgent need.

Economy & Infrastructure

  • All major infrastructure project construction sites are now temporarily shutting down in a controlled manner
  • All Household Waste & Recycling Centres remain closed
  • District Councils continue to support each other with the current challenge regarding refuse collections, with the aim to get back to normal schedules next week.
  • Additional goggles and other safety equipment are being sourced from schools across the county.
  • Thoughts turning to what steps can be taken in readiness for any potential recovery, with particular focus on highways maintenance.

Workforce and Training

  • Daily communication update issued to staff
  • The volunteer redeployment form for use by staff who may have capacity to support critical roles where resource is currently limited or where we believe there will soon be a shortage is now live.
  • County Hall remains closed to the Public
  • Close liaison taking place with relevant Trade Union organisations throughout this crisis has been well received.


  • Messages around Mental Health wellbeing advice and tips for home working
  • “Wrap around” for free local newspaper being distributed from Thursday. development for distribution next week


Official statistics and information are available on the link below:




There will be many vulnerable people in our community who will have to self-isolate. This site will provide a central location for the vulnerable that are unable to seek help from family, friends and neighbours.  You can request help, volunteer to help and find useful resources.

Want to help/volunteer or need assistance



NHS Website for information on Coronavirus

https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/hospital-discharge-patient-leaflet-editable-v3 Look after yourself whilst staying at home