Abberley NDP Housing Design Guidelines

Please click on link below to access the Abberley Housing Design Guidelines.


Malvern Hills and Wychavon Neighbourhood Watch Together event on Wednesday 25th Sept 5 to 8pm at Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall.


Malvern Hills and Wychavon Neighbourhood Watch Together event on Wednesday 25 September 5-8pm Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall Sherridge Road, Leigh Sinton, Malvern WR13 5DE.
This drop-in market place event is an opportunity for Parish Councils and residents from across Malvern Hills and Wychavon to find out how to go about creating a successful Neighbourhood Watch scheme for their community. The event will also enable current and aspiring members of Neighbourhood Watch schemes to discover services available to them within their community, that they can then signpost their scheme members to when required.
To help with attendance figures, please tell us you’re coming by visiting the link below.

CLICK HERE for Neighbourhood Watch Together Event link

West Mercia Police Launch their “On the Beat” Newsletter- South Worcestershire.

West Mercia have launched their ‘On the Beat – South Worcestershire’ newsletter and are looking to distribute to parish councils. It will be a quarterly newsletter and this is the first edition.

If you have any queries regarding this newsletter or policing in your area please contact your local Policing Team, contact details are available here – On The Beat Newsletter.


Notice of Closure of Footpaths RK-832 Rock and AY-567, Abberley, Emergency Measures.




Notice of closure of Footpaths RK-832, Rock and AY-567, Abberley, Worcestershire (“the highway”) as an Emergency Measure.

It appears to Worcestershire County Council that because of the likelihood of danger to the public as a result of a collapsed bridge and ditch crossing, therefore there is an urgent need to close the highway immediately in the following terms:-

1. The effect of the Notice is that no person shall proceed along Footpaths RK-832, Rock and AY-567, Abberley for their entire lengths.

2. This provision shall continue in force for a maximum of 21 days (unless further provision is made for its continuance). It is anticipated that it will remain in force for 21 days.

3. Alternative route: – via C2071 Netherton Lane and vice versa.

Nothing in this Notice shall prevent at any time access for pedestrians to any premises situated on or adjacent to the highway, or to any other premises accessible for pedestrians from and only from the highway.

Head of Legal and Democratic Services

Dated: 25 July 2019

Procedure to assist Abberley Footpath’s Officer when reporting issues Associated with Footpaths in Abberley.

Councillor Jim Gibson, Abberley Parish Footpaths Officer has prepared an easy to follow guide on how to report issues associated with the footpaths in Abberley.


CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Procedure to assist the Footpaths Officer when reporting issues

Cllr. Dr Ken Pollock is inviting applications for support from his Divisional Fund.

Worcestershire County Councillor – Cllr. Pollock’s Divisional Grant Fund.

Cllr. Pollock is inviting further applications for support from his Divisional Fund!!

This is £10,000 of your council tax money that is left for him to allocate to worthy causes benefiting the division – but not exclusively to be spent within the division.

All allocations for the last 8 or 9 years can be viewed on the website, from which you may learn that many small organisations and clubs have benefited in the past, and he is keen that the most-worthy should benefit in the future.

As a principle, he would prefer to offer no more than £1,000 to any one cause, and the money should not ordinarily be for a continuing commitment as opposed to buying new kit or materials or allowing a one-off event.



FREE Property Security Marking Event on Abberley Village Hall Car Park on Saturday 14th September from 10am to 12pm.

The shared community safety service at Malvern Hills District Council working with Abberley Parish Council and Abberley Neighbourhood Watch are offering a free property security marking event for the residents of Abberley parish which will be staged on 14th September 10am to 12pm on the village hall car park. In case of inclement weather Abberley Village Hall has been booked.

Everyone is invited to bring any small items including Laptops, mobiles, gaming consoles etc. Or any Larger items including ride on mowers, trailers, push mowers, bikes, power tools, gardening machinery (Strimmer’s, trimmers etc) to be property marked.

Property marking is a proven preventative method of reducing acquisitive crime. Furthermore, if items are ever stolen, they will be permanently marked in a way that they won’t be able to be sold on legitimately and they can get back to their rightful owners. Additional security Advice will be provided regarding home security and when out and about, we will also have some demonstrating products (Shed alarms, window alarms, etc.) at the event to show what is available and where they can be purchased (we sadly can’t sell any at the event).

Worcestershire County Council – Community Solutions Fund

Worcestershire County Council has set up a Community Solutions Fund in recognition of the important roles played by parish and town councils, the voluntary and community sector, partners and organisations in supporting local communities to come together and do things for themselves.

Please Note: The closing date for applications is 5pm on 8 September 2019.
Community Solutions Fund

We are all aware local authorities have ever decreasing spending power. The ability to grow community capacity and enable individuals, families and communities to do more for themselves is vital if we are to realise the aspirations for Worcestershire outlined in the Corporate Plan – Shaping Worcestershire’s Future.

Act Local – Worcestershire’s Vision for Localism continues to promote cultural change – new ways of working and new ways of thinking
• communities – less reliant on the Council to solve problems or issues, and taking the initiative to do this for themselves
• partners – encouraging and promoting a response where the local community takes responsibility
• councillors – embracing their community leadership role and using self-service options – the support available will change as the Council changes
• officers – responding to Councillors and communities, developing new skills and supporting Councillors and communities

We recognise the important roles played by Parish and Town Councils, the Voluntary and Community Sector, partners and organisations in supporting local communities to come together and do things for themselves; taking control of improving the quality of life in the places where we live.
In order to help achieve this Worcestershire County Council has set up a Community Solutions Fund.

Information about funding rounds and criteria, as well as how to apply can be found online via the following link

Click Here for more information and to apply

Abberley Parish Clean Up – Saturday 12th October from 10am to 1pm.

Abberley Parish Council are keen to work with the local community and Parish groups in organising a community clean up on Saturday 12th October from 10am to 1pm. If you or a group you are involved with are interested in getting involved with us please contact Catherine Knight or Cathie Eberlin.

">CLICK HERE to contact Catherine Knight 

"> CLICK HERE TO EMAIL Cathie Eberlin

We will then keep you informed of our plans.


Police and Crime Commissioner is keen to provide more articles and other content for publication in local parish and community newsletters, outlining his work in the area on behalf of local communities, as well as highlighting notable local police activity, and seeking engagement from local communities.

Gareth Boulton
Assistant Chief Executive

As part of his commitment to engaging with and reassuring local communities, the Police and Crime Commissioner is keen to provide more articles and other content for publication in local parish and community newsletters, outlining his work in the area on behalf of local communities, as well as highlighting notable local police activity, and seeking engagement from local communities.

Anyone with anything to contribute to this can contact OPCC directly on

CLICK HERE FOR OPCC Website article

Gareth Boulton
Assistant Chief Executive